Tuesday, September 11, 2018

September 11, 2018 Beyond the Day

September 11, 2018
What are we remembering?
Is it all covered in smoke-
Like the great city did less than two decades ago…
What are we feeling?
Is it a sorrow that was never properly mourned?
Business as usual?
Today where I stand
Clouds have hovered low and gray
A full day without the sun
But not a drop of rain

Some would say:
“What about the tragedy of those ships long ago?”
But we made peace with those who hurt us (and whom we hurt ten times worse) since that century…
But this century’s enemy…this Dragon was born of a broken promise from the last. 
The Dragon hides her identity behind the names of others
And while the Dragon has searched for just a drop of water to cool her tongue
All nations have gathered to lock the wells
This made the Dragon take desperate action
But still no water was given
And so the Dragon grew in fierceness…

When will we learn Faithfulness ?
When will we let Kindness be our crown
And Peace be our shoes?
For even a saving grace greeted those He loved with
“Salaam alikum”!                      

While Horror screams for attention
Mercy quietly cries in the corner
Pleading for Forgiveness and Compassion
To be the leaders of our choices.
A cry for help is heard
Weapons were given as gifts
When all was needed
Was the gift of time and understanding.

If such grace filled gifts were given
Perhaps the dragon could finally be relieved of her scales
For this is not who she is
Deep in her soul-
If she could be given a taste of the living water
And trust not in the hearts of the old ruins
But in the Rock that forever stands-
She knows she is:
A Phoenix
Rising from the ashes
Of fires she and others made
Together through their lies and hate for one another-

Once this Phoenix is free she will not use her fire to lash out at those who deprived her
But will use it to Fly 
Above the pain
And be a reminder to all
To look Beyond the Days of hurt
And live for the hope that dwells
On the narrow paths
For the wide paths were made by the days of old
When the Dragon was born and the Phoenix forgotten

Tuesday, January 2, 2018

The Lord HAS done great things for me! And now, at last, I can clearly see!

For over seven years I suffered from chronic pain. It began when a family member told me I was worthless and didn’t do anything to help around the house. So to prove this person wrong I carried twenty gallons of paint up a hill to his/her truck- AT ONE TIME. Ten gallons in each hand. For all you strong people out there you may scoff and say that’s nothing. But for an average sophomore-in-college-young-lady it was quite a feat. In the process of trying to prove my worth I tore all the muscles in my upper back. 

The following day I decided to wear high heals to campus (probably because I had to perform that day) while carrying a 40 pound backpack. But this is only the beginning of my foolishness causing me harm.

 A “friend” offered to rub my aching back.  This “friend” then chopped my shoulder blade with all his/her might. I don’t mean the continuous chop that makes you go “uuuuuuuuh”. It was like a dagger was driven into my muscles with such force the wind was knocked out of me and I had no feeling from my back down to my leg. This “friend”, and another person who was around, proceed to laugh as I lay on the floor withering in pain. 

For over a year the pain slowly eased. I probably went to get a massage or two to help. But within a years time I went white water rafting and pulled a muscle behind my knee or above it. That same year I was in a car accident where the other driver ran a red light. Whiplash from the wreck brought all the previously mentioned pain swarming back like never before as well as causing neck pain.  At this point pain now began to be ever present from my neck down to my knee.

 A random chiropractor office in town called me up shortly after the wreck knowing I had been in a wreck. That was creepy. These are the types of doctors who I like to call ambulance chasers. They look at police reports to find out who they can con money out of next and know just what to say in order to overcharge you for their services. I saw past their false caring words. I also knew a massage was not going to help this time and since I still had insurance I was able to go to physical therapy. 

The PTs gave me a stretching routine to do but it would only eased the pain for 30 minutes and then the pain would come back with rage. Was I to live a life of having to constantly stretch? (There is a metaphor for ya.) Maybe it was because I was overweight… Ha! Looking back at photos of myself from during this time I’m enraged at my then self-view. I looked goooood. But I wasn’t a beanpole so obviously I was obese. (joke) 

Later in my college life I pulled a lower back muscle while walking up stairs and wearing a 70 pound backpack. Wonder how that could have happened, eh? I thought I was paralayzed for life after this injury. Three days passed and I was finally able to move/walk “normal”. At this time I had no insurance so there was no going to see a doctor for help. 

There was also a time where I went hiking and for some reason I fell. My fall was broken by a jagged tree root that went into my lower back/bum. About the same spot I had pulled the muscle when walking up campus stairs a year prior.   I still have red marks from where it injured me. And there have been different times I have rolled my ankles or bent my foot wrong.  Pain was like a gnat buzzing in my ear. Reminding me it was there up in my neck all the way down to my ankle. 

Now, a couple of years ago I went to one of those churches that believe in the Holy Spirit and His power to heal. And I don’t mean, “Oh, God, let the medicine work” healing.(Nothing against those who take medicine for healing. That’s another blog for another time…and another blogger.) I mean they pray and Holy Spirit brings healing kind of healing. At the end of the service the pastor asked if there was anyone who was in need of prayer for healing for any reason. I spoke up/raised my hand. Maybe this would be the day the pain would finally stop.  So as people prayed over/for me one woman stopped praying and looked at me and asked, “Are your hips out of alignment?” I replied, “I don’t know. Why?” Note, I was sitting so no one would be able to tell from that. “I think your hips are out of alignment. You need to go see a chiropractor.” 


 A chiropractor? I told her how I was scared of chiropractors. I grew up with my family preaching the word of chiropractors being corrupt and cause damage to your health.  Thus, I didn’t go. 

For the next two or three years the pain grew stronger. I was covered in pain and with it its fellow symptoms: depression, sorrow, upset stomach, weight gain, lack of focus. (As for the latter, people accused me of being add/adhd but I think it was my subconscious trying not to focus on the pain). I was miserable!  

Know this: I would seldom take any kind of medicine to alleviate the pain. I knew this was a pain too deep for medicine to help and I would only take ibuprofen on days when it was really bad. And by really bad I mean I couldn’t stand or sit for more than 30 minutes without feeling exhausted.  It would ease the pain to where I could focus a little bit better and get stuff done.
This past Thanksgiving all those symptoms were yelling at me. I was being overcome with it all. I was afraid I had some kind of food allergy, but, no matter what I ate my digestion system would be upset. I had no energy or motivation to do anything except bond with the couch. 

 I was upset at myself. This is not the person I wanted to be. I was forcing myself to go out and do things just to prove the pain and depression wrong. They of course would retaliate with a deep emotional exhaustion.  

On one particular outing this past December I went to work out with a friend. Now this friend is one of those people who just smiles the entire time she is at the gym. Maybe I am the only one that when I’m at the gym I’m overwhelmed with the thought of: "I am never going to master all this. I’m never going to be strong enough." But when you work out with a friend who is happy to be there and thinks it can be a fun time, smiles can be contagious. 

We were going about lifting weights, working the machines. She, of course, is leading this workout session. We get to one weight machine and she demonstrates how we are going to strengthen our calf muscles. Sweet! I know this one. It’s like 48s. I used to do this all the time back in high school. I would get compliments on my calf muscles. I’ve got this!

To do this exercise one must extended her legs to where her knees are slightly bent then proceed to push on the flat part of the machine with her toes/balls of her feet. It’s ridiculously easy. Yet, I couldn’t do it. 

My friend was trying to explain it to me and I was like “Thank you, Captain Obvious!” So for a minute or two my friend is watching me struggle with THE MOST BASIC EXERCISE EVER and then speaks, “Are your hips out of alignment?” *You’ve got to be kidding me* “Ya know,” I answer, “Your distant cousin got a word from the Lord a couple of years ago that they were...so, maybe? Why?”  “Because one leg is completely straight and the other leg the knee is slightly bent.” I was dumbfounded. 

That’s it! I had to get a chiropractor. She suggested one that was super fancy and far away from my neck of the woods. Being an unemployed licensed teacher that wasn’t going to work for me…But I had to find another. 

Who else could suggest a safe and wise chiropractor- one who was honest and not an ambulance chaser? Obviously my hippy friend would know someone…okay she’s not a hippy but she’s super into homeopathic medicine/life. My nickname for her is Mother Earth and I hope one day I can be as cool a woman as she is. She gave me the chiropractor information…again, for I had inquired of this before, years ago, but didn’t go-Because fear hinders people from healing. I called this chiropractor. It was Christmas weekend. No answer. I called the Wednesday after Christmas. Was it a coincidence I wore my Ironman pajama shirt the night before I contacted Dr. Jerviss? Different spelling, same pronunciation(at least if you have a southern accent), but an extreme help just like Ironman’s computer nonetheless. She answered and said to come on over to the office that day! No more waiting.

 I called the workout buddy and told her what was happening. What was this feeling stirring in my soul? As I drove to the WellHouse tears were on the brim of my eyes but it wasn’t from sorrow. At long last I was going to the door at which God had said I could find physical healing. Boy was I stubborn at adhering to His voice!

Dr. Jerviss was a little dumbfounded as I told her of all the different injuries I had had that caused me pain. I left out the emotional details because I didn’t want to dwell on any bitterness at this appointment. She said when I walked in she wouldn’t have known all that had happened to me. It reminded me of a compliment someone had given me by how I kept smiling even though I was in constant pain.

She proceeded to adjust me. There was one point where I felt something deep in my core adjust. It was at that moment I felt the depression leave me. I could breathe again! I mean, I never stopped breathing, but, now it didn’t seem like an effort to enjoy being alive and breathing. 

After my walk-in appointment I went to have coffee with my friend. I couldn’t stop smiling. I told her she probably hadn’t seen me this happy in years. She remarked, “Girl, this isn’t happiness. This is joy!” My smile was no longer a masque but a reflection of my soul. 

Of course, I felt an immediate relief after being adjusted, but having lived with over seven years of pain I will be responsible with this healing process and continue to go see Dr. Jerviss for 6 more weeks and then a monthly visit and eventually get to point where I only go as needed. 

All the rage, bitterness, and depression are gone. With all those awful symptoms of pain gone I feel like there is good soil for the fruit of the Spirit to grow in my life. Anger seems like a foreign emotion to me. Once more mercy and compassion can dwell in me. Memories of regret are being replaced with seeing how God was working around me all along. 

When I stand it doesn’t feel like the room is at an angle. It isn’t an effort to have good posture. I wish I could go back and do my senior vocal recital now that I can stand with confidence. Fear has been crushed. All the ways the enemy has tried to break me (literally) have been defeated. 

Praise God for allowing his creation to learn about how the body works and being able to help one another out. 

What I want you to take away from all of this:

 God is alive. And He is in the business of bringing healing in surprising ways. I mean this isn’t the first time in the history of mankind he brought healing to a person in an odd way. Go check out the account of Naaman in 2 Kings 5:1-19. And then, let’s not forget the blind guy in John 9(yep. The entire chapter! Read it!) 

The Bible is filled with these accounts of the Lord healing in mysterious ways. I mean even the way he chose to heal our captive souls wasn’t what was expected by people. But if we want the healing He offers, it’s going to take an act of obedience to go where he called us to find that healing as well as surrender of fear of the things of this world. Like Naaman and myself, the Lord might send us to a place our old selves detest. It is in that place we will find life and be made new. When we go we finally find peace. We can breathe again and our hearts are open to Holy Spirit coming into our lives and restoring our souls.

At first I was going to keep my story of God healing my back on the down low. But I am filled with too much joy to keep it a secret. My family may ridicule me for going to a chiropractor. (They don’t know yet, but it won’t be long after I post this blog that they will know.) Others may ridicule me for giving God all this credit for healing. I can't contain this good news! I want to proclaim the Lords goodness forever!

 I once was a captive to pain. Pain caused my mouth to be filled with vile words and complaints. Now that kind of talk seems odd to my mouth. Now my heart is filled with laughter and my mouth is filled with songs of joy!

 May all who read this seek the Lord and find true restoration. 

Psalm 126
Zion’s Restoration
A song of ascents.
When the Lord restored the fortunes of Zion,
we were like those who dream.
Our mouths were filled with laughter then,
and our tongues with shouts of joy.
Then they said among the nations,
“The Lord has done great things for them.”
 The Lord had done great things for us;
we were joyful.
Restore our fortunes, Lord,
like watercourses in the Negev.
Those who sow in tears
will reap with shouts of joy.
Though one goes along weeping,
carrying the bag of seed,
he will surely come back with shouts of joy,
carrying his sheaves.

Saturday, October 6, 2012

Finger Paint

your vision is blurred.
how can you say you don't see the beauty I see.
you waste your time trying to make things better
when I have it under control
you believe the voices shouting at you,"Insufficient!"
you spend your riches on things that won't last
you avoid living just so you can fit in with those who are dying
 Why do you gaze into the world's twisted reflection of you?
Look through My Eyes! See how my thumbprints cover you?
See how I love your heart.
your flesh will pass away but your soul is sealed to be with Me.

Dwell in Me.
Rest in Me.
Flee to Me.
I won't turn you away.
Live in Me.
Why do you please people by depriving yourself of My Blessings.
Stop going by what they say is perfect.
you will not please them
whether you eat drink or whatever you do,
Beloved, do it for Me.
Love me with your whole being.
With your mind think of Me
With your strength glorify Me
With your heart burn with passion for Me
you are beautiful
I will heal you
Let Me, the Artist of Beauty, mold you


Friday, June 3, 2011

Friday, May 6, 2011


running wild
calling for answers
silence responds
the chase for the next step begins
hearts broken
goodbyes never spoken

to ask "why" adds to the madness
stop all the wishes
breathe to stop fear's shake
one last glance brings heartache
don't shed the tears
it's time to leave here

the words fall short
wanting to scream for them
to have them come back once more
but they had to fly
longing for them hinders their journey
let them go
let your ways go
so you can soar
with the Way

Thursday, March 31, 2011

mute side

speaking to much
must be a fool near by
not understanding
should of known the answers
not worthy of explanations
ask a question
be mocked
don't ask people for help
it only bothers them

someday there will be people who teach
today there is only those who are selfish
and wish to learn

bend or break

"that's not what you should say
these words are better
you don't know who you are
you keep wearing masks
your words are immature
you are chaff in the wind
bend this way
break so we can mold you
here are plans
yes now turn down this path
papers, honors, ways
awards await you
just keep doing as we say"

Lord! who are these people?
Our ways are not your ways
I long for you
My heart cries out for you
i want my Potter to be the one who molds me
oh you sent one of your children!
"they aren't the boss of you!"
Glory and Honor and Praise belong to the Lord
He has not laid aside the plans He has for me.
Storms become serene as i see the Marvelous Light
leading me through the sea
I don't know where the Spirit is taking me
but the worries and fears are gone
i do what i must
and then i shall wait
and let the Spirit be the one who makes me bend and break