Wednesday, October 20, 2010

chains around my breath

one line
over and over my lips repeat
my heart aches
my heart aches
each breath i take
sorrow fills my lungs
oh to right all these wrongs
who is to blame?
what is the cause?
i find no one
so punish me

all those small stumbles
surely they caused this great fall
if only if only
i should of
i could of
i would of
but i did not
were i to be perfect
should it be the key
could it have opened the rusted doors
would we all be free?

"who is that orphan wondering the streets?"
oh my Father!
do i so little resemble You that no one knows Whose i am?
i cry out to you
my lungs and heart can't take this pain
please heal me!
that key
that rusted door
they are no more
why do i scar myself to remember
the pain is poison
slowly it stops my heart
slowly i fall out of your shadow
into the darkness of the cold bitter streets
no one looks to me to find You

this is the worst
to not be known as Your child
why must the lies be so loud?
i love your "still small voice"
yes my God is strong and mighty
but were He to speak as loud as the lies
i would be crushed
but crushed i am not

the lies are like a thick frost on my bones
Lord may your fire consume me
You have rescued me from the frozen cobble streets
into the rich open valley you take me.
the valley of sorrow
the valley of death
i fear not
for i cannot
grow so long as i have chains around my breath

the lies will be silenced
and even if they continue to scream
i will listen to the still small voice
that gave me breath to sing
sing a new song everyday
every moment
"there's within my heart a melody
Jesus whispers sweet and low:
'fear not,[daughter], peace be still! I AM with thee in life's ebb and flow'
Jesus Jesus Jesus!
sweetest name i know!
fills my heart with laughter
keeps me singing as i go."

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