Thursday, May 27, 2010

half typed

doing five things at once= half typed sentences. i tried posting a status yesterday and left out a main word.

i miss my friends.

i am tempted to pick up the twilight series again. i dont think i should.

i was tempted to get back on facebook. i am not going to do so. i still dont see the point.

thinking about the return to knoxville. im worried about classes starting in june for numerous reasons. praying about that. im scared.

prayer. beautiful in many ways.

i miss my instruments. i wish i could burst into song. no! a hymn. there isnt a hymn book here. i know parts of hymns. but not the entire song. which can be rather frustrating when u are wanting to sing your heart out to God.

i am restless.

whining. complaining. talking about myself to much....should i be blogging? it;s a good way to vent and if anyone bothers to read it then so what.


  1. GOOGLE GIRL!!! type in parts of lyrics, and they will pull up the song!!!
